all postcodes in CO16 / CLACTON-ON-SEA

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Postcode Area

CO / Colchester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CO16 7AA 6 0 51.794918 1.130222
CO16 7AB 4 0 51.79606 1.130348
CO16 7AD 9 0 51.796083 1.131072
CO16 7AE 56 0 51.797351 1.131058
CO16 7AF 28 0 51.798658 1.130612
CO16 7AG 37 1 51.796823 1.128628
CO16 7AH 15 0 51.797709 1.129778
CO16 7AJ 32 0 51.798213 1.130103
CO16 7AL 9 0 51.796858 1.132011
CO16 7AN 23 0 51.795723 1.12803
CO16 7AP 8 0 51.796053 1.126805
CO16 7AQ 59 0 51.79686 1.129574
CO16 7AR 35 0 51.796482 1.128228
CO16 7AS 30 0 51.796066 1.127299
CO16 7AT 28 0 51.794694 1.128495
CO16 7AU 8 0 51.796504 1.127069
CO16 7AW 55 0 51.795684 1.129521
CO16 7AX 13 0 51.795306 1.126826
CO16 7AY 16 0 51.795582 1.125888
CO16 7AZ 43 0 51.797335 1.129969